Saturday, August 02, 2008


On Monday my friends Sara and Bob had a baby girl (Gweneth)! Because Gwen was a bit jaundiced they needed to stay in the hospital for a few days, so Wed. and Thur. I spent most of the day watching their other daughter Amelia. I really enjoyed the time, although it was a struggle to keep my energy up between chasing a 1.5 year old, writing a term paper, and taking a final exam. Thankfully my class is over now, and I can focus on finding a satisfying job. This morning I enjoyed spending time with my friend Anita followed by baking 180 cupcakes for a wedding that I am going to this Sunday, helping a friend clean their home, and tending my garden. It's amazing how full life can be even without a full-time job.

Prayer requests:
-My father hurt his leg and is in quite a bit of pain. It would be great if this would heal quickly.
-I have a job interview tomorrow at 11AM. It is only for 1 day a week, but would still be great to have.
-I'm hoping to pull together enough money to buy school books this fall so that I don't need to waste time in the library every day.
-Students will be moving back to MSU soon. Please pray that the new church service on campus would be a success and that people would choose to have a relationship with Christ.

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