Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Women's Retreat Pictures

Ramona, Diana, and I were able to spend a lot of time walking in the woods, playing board games, and just talking with one another.

Each morning we woke to the sound of recorded "convent"music. This was followed by breakfast, time with God, lunch, a teaching, coffee and cakes, breakout sessions, dinner, playing games, snack time (you may have caught on that talking with and about God and eating were the main activities for the weekend)

Here Innes, Chrisitne, Lori, Petra, and Ina can be seen waiting for breakfast to begin.

The grounds were immaculate with gardens that were overflowing with fountains, topiaries, and wildlife. To sweeten the experience, we were surrounded by forests littered with trails and a riding stable was just to the north of us. Here you can see Ramona and I enjoying a stroll to the bookstore run by the Diakonissen.

The teachings for the weekend, by Christina and Lori, centered around the idea of "holding on to the good".

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