Friday, May 23, 2008

Recent Happenings

This week has been very nice. On Sunday 26 people came to church. That evening I went to Dortmund with the Ford family to help them pack for their upcoming move. Innes and I were able to sort through a lot of things and I think that it was an encouraging time for us both.

We returned from Dortmund at about 6PM Wed. night for my going away party at Aachener Weiher park. The weather was nice and about 35 people were able to make it. We did not leave until after 11PM, which would normally be hard, as we have a prayer meeting at 6AM on Thursday mornings. Thankfully, Thursday was a holiday here and we were able to postpone the meeting until 8. Later in the day Martin, Daniel, Thomas, and Ramona came over to help move the furniture out of my room. I cannot believe how much stuff is still here even after moving out all of the large items!

Thursday night about 12 of us had a poker night at the Bonnet's house. Although this is the first time that I have played poker, I won handily at my first table. This was a result of getting some really great cards, but it was still encouraging. The only challenge was that we did not get home until after midnight and I needed to get up early .

Today I found out that my housing company found someone to take over my lease! After cleaning out my room a bit more I printed out and copied Bible study posters and Jenilee, Nathan, and I went through the dorms to distribute them to all of the mailboxes and bulletin boards. Tomorrow I expect to hang more at the University.

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