Sunday, April 27, 2008

Prayer Requests

-With my return to the States looming on the horizon, it is tempting to furiously attempt to cram everything possible into the remaining weeks or go to the opposite extreme and do nothing. Please pray that I would find a healthy balance.

-That doors would be opened for me in the States to gain internationally transferable job skills, that I would have no trouble meeting housing needs, that I will quickly find a place within a US church, that I am able to effectively re-build strong relationships with friends in East Lansing, and that I am able to use my time in the States to strengthen my relationship with God.

-So many new people have been coming around lately. Pray that we would have wisdom in knowing how to best invest our time and efforts into those God has brought into our lives and that they would come to know Christ or deepen their relationship with him.

-That a strong Christian presence would grow on the Uni Koeln campus. Specifically that there would be groups of Christians meeting to pray with one another on campus, that anti-Christian professors would find themselves with groups of committed Christians in their classes who are able to support one another, that respect and tolerance would be shown for our beliefs, and that active dialogging about faith issues would take place on campus.

-Every day I hang a small (1/4 page) bible study poster on the notice board in my building. Every day it is taken down, while the ads for beer bashes and sex sites remain. It is a small thing, but please pray that I would not be discouraged by it and that I might somehow run into the person who keeps doing this and make a good impression on them. The same problem exists en masse at the university where Christian posters have little chance of remaining for very long.

-The Ford family (Charlie, Innes and their kids Hanna and Jordan) needs housing and work in Koeln.

-The Bonnets (Martin, Heike and their kids Jonathan, Johanna, and Pia) are still looking for a house closer to the Goerings and Heike continues to have problems with her sight.

-That our upcoming trip to the Netherlands from May 9-11 would lead to deepening relationships within our team and also with all of the students that we have invited.

-That we would quickly be able to find a new place for our Bible study to meet which is attractive to the students who live in the Student dorms in Huerth-Efferen (it is in my room now, and most of the students who come live in the buildings around me).

-That those with whom I have shared the gospel in the last few weeks would make clear decisions for Christ.

-That the kids in our church would soon understand and accept the gospel.

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