Wednesday, April 09, 2008

New career as a Postal worker?

Early Monday and Tuesday morning, as I do several times each semester, I distributed Bible Study and English Conversation Club invitations. This involves going around to about 1500 mailboxes (in ~30 buildings) and hanging up about 200 posters at the University. Because most of the buildings are locked, bringing a book to read while waiting to get in is a must. As always, I felt a sense of awe as I read the names on the mailboxes. The entire world seems to be represented here in this small complex of dormitories!
At English conversation we played a game called "apples to apples" with students from Russia (3), Camaroon, Columbia, Mexico, and, of course, Germany (5) plus Daniel, Lori, Thomas, and I. Above is a picture of some of the people who have been coming to the Bible study at my place.

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